
Toptal is a company that values attitude over everything.


Toptal is a company that values attitude over everything.

Our vision is to be the greatest talent company in the world, and we’ve scaled 快er than any other talent company in history through our relentless attitude toward innovation and strong execution. Our unique success comes from embracing a strong work ethic, 勤奋的心态, 还有长远的眼光.

Many companies hire talent solely based on their hard skills—engineers who can code, 会销售的销售人员, 能够营销的营销人员, 以及介于两者之间的一切. 这里是Toptal, 我们要求最好的, but we care even more that the attitude of everyone on our team is tightly aligned with our 文化属性. We value attitude over everything, and it’s core to our success.


Toptal is optimized for hyper-innovation and hyper-growth. If you admire 文化 at places like Amazon, 特斯拉, 英特尔, and startups that push the limits of innovation while demanding extreme time and energy to become a success, then you will love working at Toptal.

Toptal is not only a place to progress your career; it is a place to progress your idea of what quality means. It is a place to progress your idea of what depth means. It is a place to progress your ideas and learn how to develop extreme innovations that push business and technology forward.

这在实践中意味着什么? For starters, we work extremely hard. 作为一家远程公司, we don’t know or care how many hours you spend sitting in a chair—we care about results. 我们是一家充满干劲的公司, ambitious individuals who care about impact, 而影响力需要原始的努力. We expect you to be proud of having that level of impact and to be eager for more.

We are also a quality-first company. We focus on the top for talent and the top for clients, and this principle permeates through to all of our work as well. 我们为自己的工作感到自豪. We think carefully about how to maximize the impact of everything we do, 不管它有多小. We pay attention to details and are not ok with errors. 我们不能容忍破窗户. We act as if each project we take on is a reflection of our character. By pushing ourselves to our limits, we progress our idea of what quality is and what we can achieve. 我们会变得更好, 快, and we look back at our own growth and at the impact of what we’ve built to learn how to execute even better in the future.

If you want to create a programming language that forever changes how developers work with business processes, 然后加入Toptal. If you want to push forward one of the most cutting-edge software systems ever created for running a business, 你加入Toptal吗?. If you want to have 快-paced conversations that quickly get to the core of an issue, 你加入Toptal吗?. If you want to be surrounded by people who focus on the long-term but still seize every single day to grow the business, 你加入Toptal吗?. If you want to join a company that is frequently copied by its competitors for its originality and constant success, 然后加入Toptal.


在Toptal, we must set the standard when it comes to culture and, 多年来, we’ve identified several characteristics that have driven our success. The following are our 文化属性.



You are driven to achieve extraordinary outcomes. You push yourself and those around you to be their best and accountable. You drive your teams to push beyond what they believe is possible. You are relentlessly resourceful and take ownership of any problem you see.


You are extremely skilled in your area of expertise, and you constantly strive to uplevel yourself. You coach individuals who are not as skilled as you, and you push them to be better. You apply your skills whenever and wherever needed.


You excel at synthesizing discussions and ideas between many individuals. You have an ability to take ideas from those individuals and integrate them into a simple, 辉煌的结果.


You set your sights on extraordinary outcomes. You do not let yourself or your team set modest goals and casually meet them. You push innovation, you push estimates, and you push expectations.


You care deeply about what you do and your dedication is noteworthy. You inspire people through stories and your own energy. You know how to show your team members the impact of their work and get them excited about the future.


You never accept what someone says as truth if you disagree with it—no matter what authority that person has in the company—and you always challenge people directly, 不是通过反向渠道. You question and challenge ideas, 从政策到产品决策, and you always seek to understand the why behind everything.


You bring problems to the forefront. You call the attention of the executive team and the company as a whole as you proactively flag problems across product, 工程, 销售, and every other part of the organization.

*This is possibly the most important principle of all.


When a problem comes to your attention, you must listen and understand it. This doesn’t mean that we must satisfy all perspectives—we’re a meritocracy, not a democracy—but you must listen and understand issues before reacting.


You understand the goals and objectives that exist within your team and can articulate them in a single sentence. You constantly share those goals and principles with your team to ensure everyone has perfect understanding and alignment.


You’re always available to help and coach others—whether it’s with a technical challenge, 人际关系问题, 或者任何其他类型的障碍.

*Your helpfulness to others is especially valued at Toptal.

If you want to be first, innovating, and leading the future, 你加入Toptal吗?. You join Toptal to win, to be original, and to work with the best.

Working at Toptal isn't for everyone.

There are many reasons why you should not join Toptal. For example, a common misconception about remote work is that it equates to an easy job. 不在这里. 根据我们的经验, you will work harder than you’ve ever worked before, but if you’re motivated by impact, you will be happier at work than you’ve ever been. You also do not join Toptal if you think teams should not have aggressive deadlines and goals. You do not join Toptal if you think there are things in this universe that cannot be measured. You do not join Toptal if you want to simply A/B test ideas without making sure everything passes our quality standards first. You do not join Toptal if you’re just going to copy competitors because you can’t think of better ideas yourself. You do not join Toptal if you don’t wake up every single day and ask yourself how you can be better, surround yourself with people who think in the same way, and take it as a matter of principle to be the best.



We have an unlimited vacation policy, but we do not abuse it and we never leave our team hanging. It’s extremely important that no one burns out at Toptal, but we are not a 9-to-5 workplace as we see this mindset as detrimental to the strong work ethic we embrace. Toptalers must carefully plan their time off relative to the urgency and importance of their initiatives.


We are not a company that gives easy deadlines or goals. Team leads are expected to be extremely ambitious and to demand the same from their teams.


We do not value leaders who are indecisive. We expect leaders to be able to confidently make decisions, back them up, and lead by example.


We do not tolerate leaders or team members who are scared to bring problems to the forefront or who shy away from difficult conversations. We expect all leaders and team members to proactively uncover and communicate problems at Toptal. This is probably the most important example of what we are not.


在道达尔,我们依靠能量茁壮成长, and if you are uninspiring to those around you, 你的团队会停滞不前. You should be energized by solving hard problems, 产生影响, and charismatically communicating with your team.


We don’t tolerate people who are here only because of the paycheck or the ability to work remotely, as we believe that leads to being careless. 你应该去Toptal工作, 或者任何公司, because you care about the people, 文化, 还有任务.


We don’t work with leaders who want to turn off their phone at the end of the day because they don’t want to be bothered. 作为Toptal的领导, you’re expected to be available and to inform your team whenever you cannot be by clearly setting expectations. This does not mean we will bombard you with messages every evening, or even frequently; however, there will come a day when your team needs you and you will need to be available.


You should not feel conflicted about 文化 of your company. 我们的文化价值观是独一无二的, and you should be excited about joining a movement that embodies a spirit you believe in.

Leaders set the example because leaders lead by example

We are direct in our feedback and never afraid to challenge each other, regardless of title within the organization. We value people who see things that we don’t—people who can be contrarian. Things sometimes get heated, and that’s usually a good thing. It means we’re getting closer to making the right decision and that people truly care.

我们的文化雄心勃勃. Your teammates will push you to your limits as you push them to theirs. You will meet difficult roadblocks and sometimes frustration. You will work through challenges and take pride in your growth and impact, and that of the company you help to build.

在Toptal,任何问题都不会太难. When the existing tools for running a hyper-growth business weren’t good enough, we created entirely new programming languages and frameworks. When we needed new solutions, we released large-scale 开源项目. When we needed to scale while maintaining an incredibly high bar for quality, we created world-class operational and screening processes. And we’ve shattered records set by every other company in our space along the way. We’ve achieved all of this not because of our hard skills, but because of the cultural values and attitude we embrace.

If these cultural values resonate with you, welcome to Toptal.


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